
Shannon is an Adoptive mom of a beautiful baby boy living in Toronto, Ontario, wife of 5 years to an amazing man, marketer by trade, bilingual in Spanish, dog lover with 4 year old beagle and blogger who loves sharing her story to help others through infertility and adoption.


  1. My husband and I have just started our long awaited journey to adoption or foster care. We start classes in March. Its nice to hear from other people who have the same feelings that have had.

  2. My brother-in-law is a friend of yours and referred me to your blog. My husband and I just registered with a couple of adoption agencies and posted our profile online. Our infertility journey has lasted about 4 years like yours and like everyone else in our shoes, he’s been tiring and heart breaking.
    But I have to say it’s nice to hear that other people have the same thoughts that I do about infertility and waiting to adopt. Thank you for sharing your story and hopefully we all can be so lucky.
    Thank you for sharing.

    1. Hi Rebecca, thanks for reading my blog – not sure who your brother in law is but thanks to him also :-). Good luck with your journey and I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you guys. If you ever have any questions, let me know also.

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